Mistrovství světa v koloběhu Estonsko přesunuto na rok 2022

Organizátoři MS 2021 se po konzultaci s IKSA a jednotlivými státy rozhodly přesunout Mistrovství světa v koloběhu na sezonu 2022, a to z důvodu přetrvávající situace COVID – 19 a rozdílných podmínek řešení situace v jednotlivých státech.

Originál zprávy z Estonska zní takto:

We are sorry to inform you that we have to postpone the Footbike World Championships again due to the continuing world wide situation of COVID.

Organising committee made the decision about postponing due to the

  • feedback form the country representatives,
  • unclear travel conditions and restrictions,
  • uncertainties about local and EU conditions of organising international events,
  • vaccinating capabilities and progress in different countries.

We will provide more information about the WC 2022 event in July.

Our condolences to all whose lives have been impacted by the virus and we are very sad seeing that all happening around us.

We hope you all will keep training and we look forward to a successful Footbike World Championships 2022!

Aigar & co